

Stay informed with the latest updates. Here, you’ll find news from the renewable energy industry, detailed backstories on our projects, and insights into the future of sustainable energy. Whether it's breakthroughs in technology, significant milestones, or industry trends, our news page is your go-to source for everything related to wave energy. 

News: Weco will be testing at world largest wave simulation facility at Deltares.

The Delta Flume at Deltares, measuring 300 meters in length, 7 to 9,5 meters in depth, and five meters in width Read more...

Multi-Use on the North Sea: The Future of Sustainability and Innovation.

The North Sea is one of the busiest and most economically significant seas globally, providing food, energy, and wealth. Read more...

Recap: Watch our video of one of our testdays in the harbour of Scheveningen.

On mei 29th Weco tested in front of the Campus@Sea facility in the harbour of Scheveningen. The goal was to test Read more...

News: Study shows wave energy will rival offshore wind costs by 2030s.

Using real data from advanced wave energy converters, the study by TU Delft predicts wave power will Read more...